How to Participate in a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and Influence DeFi Protocols

How to Participate in a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and Influence DeFi Protocols
Photo by Mathias Reding / Unsplash

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have become a central feature in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem, giving users the power to govern protocols and influence key decisions. DAOs allow communities to manage DeFi platforms in a decentralized, democratic manner, where decisions are made collectively through token-based voting systems. By participating in a DAO, you can influence the development, governance, and future direction of your favorite DeFi protocols. This guide will walk you through how to join and actively participate in a DAO, the benefits of involvement, and how your contributions can shape DeFi protocols.

What is a DAO?

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a blockchain-based entity that operates according to rules encoded in smart contracts. DAOs are governed by their community of token holders, who vote on proposals and make decisions regarding the protocol’s future, rather than relying on a central authority. Each DAO has its own governance structure and tokenomics model, but the goal is always the same: decentralizing control and giving users a say in the protocol’s evolution.

Key Features of a DAO:

  • Decentralized Governance: Control is distributed among token holders, who vote on decisions related to the protocol.
  • Transparency: All proposals, votes, and decisions are recorded on the blockchain and can be audited by anyone.
  • Autonomy: DAOs operate autonomously through smart contracts, with minimal reliance on centralized parties.

Examples of popular DeFi DAOs include MakerDAO, Uniswap DAO, Aave DAO, Compound Governance, and SushiSwap DAO.

Step 1: Obtain Governance Tokens

To participate in a DAO, you first need to hold the governance tokens associated with the protocol you want to influence. These tokens give you the right to vote on governance proposals, suggest changes, and sometimes even earn rewards for participating in the governance process.

How to Obtain Governance Tokens:

  • Buy Governance Tokens: Governance tokens are often available on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as Uniswap or SushiSwap. You can trade popular cryptocurrencies like ETH for tokens like UNI, MKR, AAVE, or COMP.
  • Earn Governance Tokens: Some DeFi protocols distribute governance tokens as rewards for staking, providing liquidity, or participating in other platform activities. For example, Aave users can earn AAVE tokens by staking their assets on the platform.

Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with the DAO’s Governance Structure

Each DAO has its own governance structure and voting mechanisms. Understanding how the DAO operates is crucial for effectively participating and making informed decisions.

Common DAO Governance Structures:

  • Voting Power Based on Token Holdings: In most DAOs, voting power is directly proportional to the number of governance tokens you hold. The more tokens you own, the more influence you have over governance decisions.
  • Proposal Submission and Discussion: To submit a proposal in many DAOs, users must meet a minimum threshold of governance tokens or gain support from other community members. After submission, proposals are typically discussed on community forums (such as Discord or Discourse) before going to a vote.
  • Voting Quorum and Thresholds: For a proposal to pass, it may need to meet specific quorum requirements (a minimum number of votes) and voting thresholds (a percentage of yes votes vs. no votes).

Step 3: Join DAO Governance Forums and Discussions

DAOs thrive on community participation, and much of the conversation around proposals happens in governance forums or chat channels. Joining these forums is a great way to stay informed, contribute to discussions, and even help shape proposals before they go to a vote.

How to Engage in Governance Forums:

  • Join the Community: Most DAOs have dedicated forums (like Discourse, Snapshot, or Commonwealth) and chat platforms (such as Discord or Telegram) where governance discussions take place. For example, MakerDAO has its own forum for community discussions.
  • Participate in Discussions: Engage in conversations about proposals, give feedback, and share your thoughts on important issues. Active participation helps you gain visibility in the community and allows you to have a more direct impact on the protocol’s direction.
  • Propose Ideas: If you have a suggestion for improving the protocol or introducing new features, you can submit your idea for discussion. Many DAOs have a dedicated proposal section where you can share your thoughts before submitting a formal governance proposal.

Step 4: Vote on Governance Proposals

Voting is at the heart of DAO governance. Governance token holders can vote on a wide range of proposals, including protocol upgrades, new feature implementations, fee adjustments, and even treasury allocations. Proposals are typically presented to the community, debated in forums, and then put up for a vote.

How to Vote:

  1. Review Proposals: Before voting, read the proposal carefully and consider the impact it could have on the protocol. Proposals are usually available on the DAO’s official governance platform (such as Snapshot for off-chain voting or on-chain governance contracts).
  2. Connect Your Wallet: DAOs require you to connect your Ethereum wallet (such as MetaMask) to the governance platform in order to cast your vote.
  3. Cast Your Vote: Once connected, you can vote for or against the proposal, or in some cases, abstain. Depending on the governance structure, your voting power will correspond to the number of tokens you hold.
  4. Track Results: After voting, you can track the outcome of the proposal and any changes that are implemented as a result. Some DAOs distribute rewards to active voters as an incentive to participate.

Step 5: Submit Your Own Proposals

If you want to have a more direct influence on the protocol, you can submit your own governance proposals. This is a powerful way to shape the direction of a DeFi protocol, but it requires careful planning and community support.

How to Submit a Proposal:

  1. Develop Your Idea: Before submitting a formal proposal, spend time developing a well-thought-out idea. Consider the potential impact on the protocol, how it will benefit the community, and any technical or financial implications.
  2. Draft the Proposal: Create a detailed proposal outlining your idea, its objectives, and the implementation plan. Use clear and concise language, and back up your claims with data or research.
  3. Engage the Community: Share your draft proposal in the DAO’s governance forums to gather feedback and refine your idea based on community input.
  4. Submit the Proposal: Once you’ve refined your proposal and gained some community support, submit it through the DAO’s governance platform. Ensure you meet any requirements for submitting proposals, such as holding a certain number of governance tokens or having co-sponsors.
  5. Campaign for Votes: After submitting your proposal, it’s essential to rally support. Engage in discussions, answer questions, and explain why your proposal will benefit the protocol.

Step 6: Stay Informed and Actively Participate

DAOs are dynamic, and governance decisions can have long-term effects on the protocol and the broader DeFi ecosystem. Staying informed about ongoing discussions, upcoming votes, and protocol updates is key to maximizing your influence.

Best Practices for DAO Participation:

  • Stay Active in Governance: Regularly participate in governance discussions and voting. Consistent engagement helps you build a reputation within the community and increases your influence over time.
  • Monitor the Protocol’s Health: Keep an eye on the protocol’s performance, security, and user adoption. If you notice potential issues, consider raising them in the governance forums to spark discussions.
  • Collaborate with Other DAO Members: Collaboration is crucial in DAOs. Building relationships with other governance token holders and working together to propose and implement ideas can lead to more effective outcomes.

Benefits of Participating in a DAO

1. Influence Over Protocol Decisions

By participating in a DAO, you have a direct say in how a protocol evolves. Whether it’s voting on a new feature or influencing the distribution of funds, your voice can shape the future of the protocol.

2. Earn Governance Rewards

Some DAOs offer incentives to governance token holders who actively participate in voting and decision-making. These rewards can include additional governance tokens or a share of protocol fees.

3. Build Your Reputation in the DeFi Community

Active participation in DAO governance can help you build a reputation as a thought leader within the DeFi space. Being recognized as a key contributor can open up opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and leadership roles in future projects.

4. Contribute to the Decentralized Economy

DAOs represent a shift towards decentralized and transparent governance in the financial world. By participating in a DAO, you are contributing to the growth of the decentralized economy and helping build a more open and inclusive financial system.


Participating in a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a rewarding way to influence the direction of DeFi protocols, contribute to the decentralized economy, and earn governance rewards. By obtaining governance tokens, staying informed about the DAO’s governance structure, engaging in discussions, and actively voting on proposals, you can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of decentralized finance.

Whether you’re an experienced DeFi user or just getting started, participating in a DAO allows you to take control of the protocols you use, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and help build a more decentralized and transparent financial system.